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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 4128   View pdf image
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applying or referred for employment. The
records shall indicate what disposition was made
of the application. If such an applicant was
not sent to a union hiring hall for referral or
if such an applicant was not employed by the
contractor, the records shall indicate the
reasons therefor.

(3)   Notifications by the contractor to the
Department of General Services if any union or
unions with whom the contractor has a collective
bargaining agreement has not referred to the
contractor a woman or member of a minority group
sent by the contractor, or if the contractor has
other information that the union referral
processes is impeding efforts for the
utilization of women and members of minority

(4)   Participation in training programs, including
those funded by the United States Government.

(5)   Procedures for disseminating notice of the
contractor's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
by publicizing it through company newspapers and
annual reports, conducting staff, employee and
union representatives' meetings, posting, and by
specific review with employees who are women or
members of minority groups.

(6)   Procedures for disseminating notice of the
contractor's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
externally through review with all recruitment
sources, advertising in news media, and
discussion with subcontractors and suppliers.

(7)   Recruitment efforts directed at minority
organizations, schools with minority students,
and Minority Recruitment and Training

(8)   Validation of all specifications, selection
requirements, and test relating to employment.

(9)   Procedures for promoting after-school, summer,
and vacation employment to minority youth.

(10)  Programs for the development of on-the-job
training opportunities and participation and
assistance in any association or employer group
training programs.

(11)  Programs for evaluating women and minority
personnel for promotion opportunities and
encouragement of such employees to seek those


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 4128   View pdf image
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