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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 4100   View pdf image
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appropriate procedures to seek the advice
and receive the views of the State Advisory
Council on Nutrition and other interested
parties on issues related to Maryland's food
and nutrition programs. The Cabinet Council
shall meet at least quarterly and may
establish such working groups as may be

II. The State Advisory Council on Nutrition

The State Advisory Council on Nutrition is
hereby created. The Council shall consist
of fourteen (14) members appointed by the
Governor and include the following:

1.  A representative from each of the
following State Agencies:

a.  Human Resources

b.  Health and Mental Hygiene

c.  Agriculture

d.  Education

e.  Office on Aging

2.  One member of the Senate designated by
the President;

3.  One member of the House of Delegates
designated by the Speaker;

4.  Two (2) representatives of local

5.  Five (5) individuals who have an
interest in or expertise in matters
pertaining to food and nutrition;

6.  The Governor shall select the
chairperson of the Council;

7.  The Governor may remove any member of
the Council for any cause adversely
affecting the member's ability or
willingness to perform his or her

8.  The term of a member is two years. In
case of a vacancy, the Governor shall
appoint a successor for the remainder
of the unexpired term. The member's


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 4100   View pdf image
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