HARRY HUGHES, Governor 3571
(6) 1 representative of the Department of State
Planning, appointed by the Governor;
(7) 1 representative from the Maryland Council of
Community Mental Health Centers, appointed by the Governor;
(8) 3 representatives from the Coalition for Citizens
with Long Term Mental Illnesses;
(9) 1 representative of the Governor's Advisory
Council on Mental Hygiene;
(10) 1 representative of the Maryland Association of
Counties; and
(11) 1 representative of State employees; and be it
(12) 1 representative of the Maryland Hospital
Association; and
(13) 1 superintendent of a State psychiatric
facility, or the superintendent's designee; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Governor designate the Chairman of the
Commission; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Commission report its findings and
conclusions, including specific recommendations regarding the
role and utilization of existing facilities, to the General
Assembly and the Governor by December June 1, 1987; and be it
RESOLVED, That the staff for the Commission be provided by
the Department of Fiscal Services and the Department of Budget
and Fiscal Planning; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the
Department of Legislative Reference to the Honorable Harry
Hughes, Governor of Maryland; the Honorable Melvin A. Steinberg,
President of the Senate of Maryland; the Honorable Benjamin L.
Cardin, Speaker of the House of Delegates; the Honorable Adele
Wilzack, R.N., M.S., Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, 5th
Floor, 201 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201; the Honorable
L. Louis Stettler III, Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning,
Goldstein Treasury Building, Annapolis, MD 21404; Alp Karahasan,
M.D., Ph.D. Henry Harbin, M.D., Director, Mental Hygiene
Administration, 201 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, MD
21201; Carville M. Akehurst, Chairperson, State Health Resources
Planning Commission, 201 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201;
David P. Scheffenacker, Chairperson, State Health Services Cost
Review Commission, 201 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201;
Edward Matricardi, President, Maryland Council of Community
Mental Health Centers, 522 Sussex Road, Baltimore, MD 21204; The
Honorable Constance Lieder, Secretary, Department of State