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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3536   View pdf image
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3536                                            JOINT RESOLUTIONS

WHEREAS, There has been a 70% drop in the number of Maryland
college degrees granted in education between 1970-1984; and

WHEREAS, There are serious concerns about the quality of
students entering teacher education programs because many have
below average scores on the SATs; and

WHEREAS, The career options available to women have
broadened beyond traditional employment, such as teaching; and

WHEREAS, The purchasing power of teachers' salaries has
dropped precipitously between 1970-1985; and

WHEREAS, Teacher salaries are not competitive with other
professions requiring comparable formal education training
; and

WHEREAS, Salary and other financial incentives are important
considerations to career choices; and

WHEREAS, Career satisfaction for teachers depends upon
financial as well as nonfinancial influences; and

WHEREAS, It is the responsibility of the State to assure
that a well-trained, highly motivated teaching force is available
throughout the State; and

WHEREAS, Prompt attention must be given to these issues and
facts; now, therefore, be it

Governor is requested to establish a Commission on Teacher
Salaries and Incentives to examine the relationship between
teacher availability and quality and the financial and
nonfinancial rewards of teaching, and specifically to examine the
following questions:

(1) What salary increases, if any, are necessary to
assure the availability of well qualified teachers for Maryland's
public schools;

(2) What other financial and nonfinancial incentives
should be considered to encourage Maryland's teachers to teach in
schools that have difficulty attracting outstanding teachers; to
consider the implementation of mentor teachers' programs; to
permit the summer employment of highly able teachers to conduct
in-service programs and develop curriculum; to consider rewarding
exemplary teaching performance; and to encourage development of
other special programs to attract and retain teachers; and

(3) What funding changes, if any, are necessary to
ensure that each school system has a well-trained, highly
motivated teaching staff; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Commission be composed of 15 members
appointed as follows:


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3536   View pdf image
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