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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3535   View pdf image
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help insure that the best teachers are distributed throughout the
State; now, therefore be it

Department of Education is requested to devise a plan, including
legislative recommendations deemed necessary to eliminate real

teacher salary disparities among the local jurisdictions

throughout the State; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Department report its findings and
recommendations to the General Assembly and Governor by January
1, 1987, and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the
Department of Legislative Reference to the Honorable Harry
Hughes, Governor of Maryland, the Honorable Melvin A. Steinberg,
President of the Senate of Maryland, the Honorable Benjamin L.
Cardin, Speaker of the House of Delegates; and David W. Hornbeck,
State Superintendent of Education, 200 W. Baltimore Street,
Baltimore, MD 21201.

Governor's Commission on Teacher Salaries and Incentives

FOR the purpose of requesting the Governor to establish a
Commission on Teacher Salaries and Incentives; requesting
the Commission to examine the relationship of teacher
availability and quality with the financial and nonfinancial
rewards of teaching; specifying certain questions for the
Commission to address; specifying the membership of the
Commission; and providing for a report by a certain date.

WHEREAS, Quality public education is the cornerstone of our
democracy; and

WHEREAS, Quality public education is essential to the health
of Maryland's economy and the availability of employment; and

WHEREAS, Under Maryland's Constitution, education is a
fundamental responsibility of the State; and

WHEREAS, A plentiful and able teaching force is vital to
maintaining strong public schools, and Maryland has heretofore
enjoyed such a teaching force; and

WHEREAS, Maryland now faces a looming crisis in the shortage
of new teachers and in the loss of experienced professionals now
in the teaching force; and

WHEREAS, A large proportion of the teaching force becomes
eligible to retire soon; and

WHEREAS, Many teacher leave the teaching force because of
more lucrative and career choices or because of teacher
"burnout"; and


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3535   View pdf image
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