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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3526   View pdf image
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(3)  the development of informational products and
presentations for community organizations and groups and for
parents, either individually or in groups;

(4)  the development of appropriate informational products
or presentations for teenage students young people children,
teenage students, and young adults;

(5)  the identification of mental health resources and
treatment programs and centers in local communities; and be it

RESOLVED, That the task force be composed of 17 18
members, appointed as follows:

(1)  2 principals, 1 from a senior high school and 1 from a
junior high school in this State;

(2)  1 social worker, specializing in mental health

(3) 1 registered nurse specializing in school health;
(3) (4) 1 psychologist;

(4) (5) 1 psychiatrist;

(5) (6) 1 police officer, specializing in juvenile matters;

(6) (7) 2 school guidance counselors, 1 from a senior high
school and 1 from a junior high school in this State;

(7) (8) 1 representative from the State Department of

(8) (9) 1 representative from the State Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene; and

(9) (10) 3 2 parents, one of whom shall represent a
parent-teacher association and one of whom shall represent
Compassionate Friends;

(10) (11) 2 members 1 member of the Senate, selected by the
President of the Senate; and

(11) (12) 2 members 1 member of the House of Delegates,
selected by the Speaker of the House of Delegates;

(12) (13) 1 youth member chosen from a local group involved
with peer counseling as support or otherwise close to the issue;


(13) (14) 1 youth member selected from the Maryland

Association of Student Councils or the Governor's Youth Advisory
Council; and be it further


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3526   View pdf image
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