teenage child, teenage, and young adult suicide and other
associated mental health problems affecting teenagers youth
children, teenagers, and young adults.
WHEREAS, Peer pressure, family-related conflicts,
educational demands, and other youthful concerns can be extremely
burdensome and oftentimes difficult for today's teenagers youth
children, teenagers, and young adults to cope with; and
WHEREAS, Teenage suicide, Suicide bulimia, anorexia, and
other and associated Child, teenage, and young adult suicide,
bulimia, anorexia, and other child, teenage, and young adult
teenage mental health disorders are becoming an increasingly
serious problem among youth in the State; and
WHEREAS, It is imperative that Maryland's teenage youth
children, teenagers, and young adults, and the adults responsible
for and who interact with them in their daily lives, be better
informed about the pressures faced by today's teenagers youth
children, teenagers, and young adults; and
WHEREAS, There is a particular need to involve our
communities, including teenagers youth children, teenagers and
young adults, their parents, and the schools, and social—service
agencies both public and private agencies and providers social
service agencies in recognizing, addressing, and combating these
serious mental health disorders; and
WHEREAS, An organizational framework is needed to focus the
efforts of State and local communities and mental health
agencies, together with families, educational institutions, and
others involved in programs geared to combat teenage child,
teenage, and young adult suicide among today's teenagers youth
children, teenagers, and young adults; now, therefore, be it
Governor is requested to establish a task force to develop and
implement a comprehensive plan designed to combat teenage youth
child, teenage, and young adult suicide and associated mental
health concerns; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the task force be strongly encouraged to
consider, as components of its recommended plan:
(1) the implementation of appropriate training programs for
teachers all school personnel and volunteers and appropriate
institutions institutional and residential care facilities'
staff;-------- -------------------------------------
(2) the development of teenage youth child, teenage, and
young adult suicide and mental health curriculum training
programs for junior and senior high schools and appropriate
institutions and residential care facilities;