Volume 767, Page 169 View pdf image |
169 March Court 1716 Sume of four hundred and Twenty four pounds of Tobacco Cost by the . afd Plt~ about his Suite in this behalfe expended and by the Court here of his assent adjudged and the Said Deft to be taken into Custody Jams Smith Clk
Justices of the next County Court to be held at our Court house in the Town of Chester in Said County to Answer unto Amos Garrett . of a plea of Trespass upon the Case and that he have then and there the Said writ &ca Att which Said next Court viz the twentifirst day of August the Same yeare last mentioned the day of return of Said writ Came William Frisby Gent high Sherf of . Said County and made return thereof in these words thereon Endorsed as folls vizt. Cepi Corpus pr Wm Frisby Sherf . Att which Said Court the Same Deft~ being called came and the Same Plt~ by James Earle his attry prayd that the Said Deft~ might give Special baile to the Said Accõn~ which was granted and that William Frisby Sherrife of Said County keep the Said Deft~ in Safe custody untill he gave Special baile to the afd Accõn Att which Said next Court vizt. the twentieth day of November the Same year last mentioned the Said cause was Continued untill the then next Court in Course Att which Said next Court vizt. the nineteenth day of March . the Same year last mentioned Came the afd Plt by his attry and declares as folls vizt Maryland Kent County Ss Philip Eilbeck of Kent County Glazier was attaiched to Answer unto Amos Garrett of a plea of Trespass on ye Case &ca And whereupon the Same Amos Garrett by James Earle his attorney Complains for that whereas the afd Philip Eilbeck the twenty nineth day of December in the Year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred and fourteen at St. Pauls Parish in Kent County afd and within the Jurisdiciõn of this Court in Consideration the afd Amos at the Special Instance and request of the afd Philip had . then & there Sold and delivered Sundry wares and Merchandises to him the Said Philip to the Said Philips use as by a particular Accot thereof ready to be produced in Court may appear upon himselfe assumd and |
Volume 767, Page 169 View pdf image |
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