Volume 767, Page 159 View pdf image |
159 March Court 1716 Glazier if he Should be found in his Bailywick and him Safe keep So that he have his body before his Said Lordships Justices of the next County Court to be held at our Court house in the Town of Chester in Said County to Answer unto Jonas Sandeland of a plea of Trespass upon the Case and that he have then and there the Said writ &ca. Att which Said next Court vizt. the Twenty first day of August the Same year last mentioned the day of return of Said writ Came William Frisby Gent- high Sherf of Said County & made return thereof in these words thereon endorsed as folls vizt- Cepi Corpus pr Will.m Frisby Sherf- And at the Said Court Came the afd Plt. by John Johnson his attry and prayd that he might the Said Plt not being a liver in the County be taken as Surty in the Said Accon ffor the Said plt^ which was granted and the Said John Johnson comes into Court and acknowledges himself Surety for the Said plt and that he will pay the Cost in the Same if in Case the Said Deft Shall appear to the Said Accõn and Cast the plt in the Same And the afd plt by his attry afd comes into Court and Swears that the Accot. of the Said Plt ag.st the Said Deft on which he is to declare is above tenn pounds Currancy . And prays that the Said Deft may give Special Baile to the above accõn which- is granted and that he be kept in Safe Custody by the Sherf. of Said County untill he Shall give Special as afd Att which Said next Court viz the nineteenth day of Novembr the Same year last mentioned Came the Said Plt by his attry. afd and declares as folls vizt Kent County Ss Philip Eilbeck late . of Kent County Glazier was attached to answer unto Jonas Sandeland of a plea of Trespass on the Case &ca. and whereupon the Said Jonas by John Johnson his attry complains that whereas the Said Philip the nineth day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seaven hundred and Twelve in Chester County in the Province of Pensilvania at the Parish of St. Peters in the County of Kent in- the Province of Maryland & within the Jurisdiciõn of this Court in Consideration that the Said Jonas then and there at ye Special Instance & request of the Said Philip became holden & bound unto a certain Ebenezer Parker by a Certain writing obligatory in due form of Law made |
Volume 767, Page 159 View pdf image |
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