Volume 766, Page 40b View pdf image |
November Court 1714 thereof in these words thereon endorsed as foll viz.t Cepi Corpus pr Wm Ffrisby Sherf Att which Said Court Came the Said Plt and Prays that the Said Deft might be Called & the Said Deft being Solemnly Called Came not on which the Sherf was by this Court Amerced the Sume of Three Shills . and four pence Sterlg. But now at this Court Came the Said Plt. and the Said Deft. being Called Came and in his proper person appeared to the above Accõn And the Said Plt. by Francis . Cooke his Attorney and prayed that he might give Special bayle to the above Accõn which is granted And that William Frisby Sherf of Said County keepe the Said Deft- in Safe Custody untill he Shall give Special bayle to the afd Accõn &ca and at the Same Court Came the Said Plt by his afd Attry declare as foll. viz.t Kent County in Maryland Ss George Hill of Kent County in Maryland Shipwright~ als Dics George Hill of Kent County Shipwright was Summon’d to Answer Phillip Kennard . of Kent county Merchant of a plea that he render unto him ye full and Just Sume. of Six pounds Eight Shillings and Eight pence currant mony of ye Country w.ch to him he oweth and from him unjustly detaineth . . And whereupon the Said Philip by Francis Cooke his attry Says that whereas ye afd George Hill the third day of December in ye year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred and Thirteen at Worton hundred in Kent County afd within ye Jurisdiciõn of this Court by his Certain writeing obligatory which he the Said George Sealed with his Seale and as his Act~ and Deed delivered did Acknowledge himselfe to owe to ye afd Philip ye afd Six pounds Eight Shillings and Eight pence to be paid to him ye afd Philip his heires Execrs Administrators or Assignes on Demand after ye tenth of March Ensueing ye date of ye obligatory writeing afd and to ye Same Payment well and faithfully to be made ye afd George did oblige himselfe to pay ye Same which day of payment being - past and he Demanded to pay ye Same ye Twenty Second of July in the yeare abovesaid Nevertheless ye afd Six pounds Eight Shillings & Eight pence to ye afd Philip he hath not rendered but ye Same hitherto to pay hath denied and as yet denieth whereupon he Saith that he is Damnified and hath Damage to ye value - of Two pounds and thereupon he brings Suite . . And brings hereinto Court ye writeing afd which Testifies ye Debt afd in firm afd ye date of which is ye Same day of year abovesd. Cooke p Quer pleg &ca. John Doe Richard Roe . And the Said Plt prays that the Said Deft to his Decln afd may Answer and the Said Deft Comes into Court and Saith that he Cannot gainsay the Accõn afd of him the Said Plt. and that he oweth unto the Said Plt. the afd. Sume |
Volume 766, Page 40b View pdf image |
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