Volume 766, Page 164b View pdf image |
March Court 1715 of One Thousand Six hundred pounds of Good Sound Merchantable Tob.o and therefore he brings this Suite &ca Earle prQuer pleg &ca. Jno Doe Richd Roe 1714 Jno Edwards D.r August 24.th To a dose of - phisick at 50 To Emetick 40 To 4 Compound glisters at 120 To a dyeafrytick 60 To a [tinc:] :ture 60 To oyntm.t~ 30 To Elixer pretatus parasulsue [?] 100 To a dose physick 50 Totall 800 Tobo Errors Excepted pr Jacob Glen And the. afd Deft Came and being in Custody for want of Specil bayle but afterwards put in bayle which folls viz . 7.ber 3.d 1715 Maryland Ss . Then Came before us the Subscribers two of his Majesties Justices of the Then Came before us the Subscribers two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for Kent County Thomas Bowne attry at Law and William~ Howard Planter both of Said County and did undertake for the Said John Edwards defend.t~ in the Sum of Two Thousand Pounds of Good Sound Merchantable leafe Tobacco to be Levied on their Lands & Tenements Goods and Chattells to the use of the Said Jacob Glen upon Condition that if the Said Jacob Glen do obtain Judgment in an accõn of Trespass upon the Case depending in his Majesties Court (to be holden~ for our Sd County of Kent) against the John Edwards Defend.t that then the Said John Edwards Shall Pay the Condemnation or deliver himselfe to the Prison of our Sovereign Lord the King or they will do it for him they they acknowledging themselves therewith to be Content before us To the Worshipfull Justices of Kt Coty Court W: Pott These St Codd~~~~ The Same Cause Standing for Tryall on the fifteenth day of Novemb.r Anno Domi 1715 Came the Said Deft by Thomas Bowne his attry and appeared to the Same and the Same was Continued untill the then~ next Court . . . Att which Said next Court viz.t this twenty [fourth] day of March ye Same year last mentioned The Same Cause Standing for tryal Came the afd Plt by his attry afd and the Said Deft~ by Thomas Bowne his attry |
Volume 766, Page 164b View pdf image |
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