of the Harford County Code, as amended, to provide that mobile
homes be located in certain zoning districts; to provide design
and development standards for certain mobile homes in particular
districts; to provide that the act does not apply to developments
which meet certain requirements; and generally relating to mobile
homes in Harford County.
Effective Date July 17, 1984.
Bill No. 84-38 (as amended)
AN ACT to add new Subsection (d) to Section 25-3.4, heading,
Interpretation of Zoning Map, of Section 25-3, heading,
Administration, Amendment and Enforcement, and to repeal and
re-enact with amendments Section 25-3.6, heading, Zoning
Classification, of Section 25-3, heading, Administration,
Amendment and Enforcement, both of Article II, heading, Zoning
Code, of Chapter 25, heading, Zoning, of the Harford County Code,
as amended; to provide for corrections of map drafting errors
resulting from the comprehensive rezoning process; to provide for
a procedure for zoning reclassification initiated by the Zoning
Administrator; to provide for a sunset provision for the
procedure; and generally relating to zoning reclassification in
Harford County.
Effective Date September 17, 1984.
Bill No...84-41
AN ACT to repeal Section 25-103(4), Section 25-104(a)(2),
and Section 25-105(c) of Council Bill Number 83-23, as amended,
of Article 15, heading, Flood Hazard Control, of Chapter 25,
heading, Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to
provide for the deletion of any reference to Coastal High Hazard
District to comply with the requirements of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency; and generally to provide for the control of
flood plain areas in Harford County, Maryland.
Effective Date October 9, 1984.
Bill No. 84-42
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
25-5.3, heading, General Yard Requirements, of Section 25-5,
heading, Provisions Applicable to All Districts, of Article II,
heading, Zoning Code, of Chapter 25, heading, Zoning, of the
Harford County Code, as amended; to provide minimum setback