Bill No. 84-13 (as amended)
AN ACT to add new Subsections (10) (i) and 12 to Subsection
25-6.3 (c), of Section 25-6, and to repeal and re-enact with
amendments Subsection 25-6.3(c), 3, 6, 10, all of Section 25-6,
heading, District Regulations, and to repeal and re-enact with
amendments Subsection 25-7.1 (b), of Section 25-7, heading,
Special Development Regulations, of Article II, heading, Zoning
Code, of Chapter 25, heading, Zoning, of the Harford County Code,
as amended; to amend the specific regulations applicable to
residential development in the Urban Residential Districts; and
to specify the review process applicable to Housing for the
Elderly developments.
Effective Date July 17, 1984.
Bill No. 84-14
AN ACT to add new Subsection (5) to Section 25-5.1 (c) and
to repeal and re-enact with amendments Subsections 25-5.6 (d) (9)
(10), all of Section 25-5, heading, Provisions Applicable to All
Districts, of Article II, heading, Zoning Code, of Chapter 25,
heading, Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to
provide criteria whereby an accessory structure shall be
considered a nonconforming structure.
Effective Date July 17, 1984.
Bill No. 84-17 (as amended)
AN ACT to add new Division 17 A, heading, Environmental
Advisory Board, to Article XII, heading, Agencies, Boards,
Commissions and Committees, of Chapter 2, heading,
Administration, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to
provide for the creation of an Environmental Advisory Board; to
provide for the powers and duties of the Board; and to further
provide that the Board shall advise the County Executive and the
County Council on environmental issues of concern to the citizens
of Harford County.
Effective Date July 2, 1984.
Bill No. 84-19
AN EMERGENCY ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments
Section 24-36.5, heading, Charges, of Article IIA, heading,
Willoughby Beach Water Subdistrict, of Chapter 24, heading, Water