Approved May 8, 1984.
(Senate Bill 50)
AN ACT concerning
State Government
FOR the purpose of adding a new Article to the Annotated Code of
Maryland, to be designated and known as the "State
Government Article", to revise, restate, and recodify the
laws of the State relating and pertaining to the general
organization and operation of the State government; revising
the laws relating to the General Assembly, to the committees
of the General Assembly, including its standing committees,
the Legislative Policy Committee, the Joint Committee on
Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review, the Joint
Budget and Audit Committee, the Joint Committee on
Legislative Ethics, the Joint Committee on the Management of
Public Funds, the" Joint Committee on Federal Relations and
an Advisory Committee on Federal-Local Relations, the Joint
Spending Affordability Committee and its advisory committee,
to the staff and services of the General Assembly, including
the Legislative Accounting Office, the Legislative Security
Force, the Department of Fiscal Services, and the Department
of Legislative Reference, and to investigations for the
General Assembly and legislative processes of the General
Assembly; revising the laws relating to certain
Constitutional officers, including the Governor, the
Lieutenant Governor, the Comptroller, the Treasurer, the
Attorney General, and the Secretary of State, and to their
successors, and certain of the powers and duties of these
officers; revising the laws pertaining to the Division of
State Documents; revising the laws pertaining to the
organization of the Executive Branch of the State
government, including the Governor's Executive Council, the
principal departments, and executive action; revising the
Maryland Program Evaluation Act; revising the laws relating
to miscellaneous executive units, including the State
Lottery Agency, the State Lottery Commission, the Commission
on Uniform State Laws, the Office of Minority Affairs, the
Commission on the Capital City, the State House Trust, the
Government House Trust, the Council on the State Capital,
the War Memorial Commission, and the State Permit
Coordinating Council; revising certain laws pertaining to
veterans and to agencies that deal with veterans, including
the Maryland Veterans Commission and the Maryland Veterans'
Home Commission, and deleting obsolete provisions for the
defunct Maryland Veterans Housing Commission; repealing