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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 964   View pdf image
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Ch. 277

(b) (1) In addition to any other required notice, at least
one notice of the annual meeting shall be published at least 10
days before the meeting in a newspaper published OR CIRCULATED in
the county where the commercial bank has its principal banking

(2) The board of directors need not publish notice of
the annual meeting if every stockholder entitled to vote at the
meeting executes a written waiver of the notice before the date
set for the publication.


(a)  At least twice a year, the Bank Commissioner shall ask
every banking institution to submit a financial report that shows
in detail the assets and liabilities of the institution as of the
close of the business day that the Bank Commissioner specifies.

(b)  The Bank Commissioner shall:

(1)  Provide forms that conform as closely as
practicable to the forms that the federal banking authorities
use; or

(2)  Accept from a banking institution a copy of a
reasonably recent report that the institution submitted to a
federal banking authority.

(c)  (1) Within 30 days after a banking institution receives
the request for a financial report, the institution shall submit
the report.

(2) Each report shall be signed and verified by the
president, vice president, cashier, or treasurer of the banking

(d)   (1) Within 45 days after a banking institution
receives the request for a financial report, the institution

(i) Publish a summary of the report in a
newspaper published OR CIRCULATED in the county where the banking
institution has its principal banking office; and

(ii) Submit proof of publication of the summary
to the Bank Commissioner.

(2) Each summary of a report shall be in a form that
the Bank Commissioner approves.

take effect July 1, 1984.

Approved May 8, 1984.


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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 964   View pdf image
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