Ch. 234
(k) (2) (i) In addition, a special Class C license shall be
issued to any local unit of a lodge or chapter of any bona fide
nonprofit and nationwide fraternal or service organization
composed solely of members duly elected and initiated in
accordance with the rites and customs of the fraternal or service
organization, in existence and operating in Prince George's
County prior to the time of making application for the license,
and having a bona fide membership of not less than 100 persons
and dues of not less than $5 per annum per person, and owning or
operating a home or clubhouse principally for the use of its
members and their guests when accompanied by the members, and not
directly or indirectly owned or operated as a public business.
The annual fee for the license is [$300] $345. The license
authorizes the holder to keep for sale and to sell at retail any
alcoholic beverages to any member or guest when accompanied by a
member for consumption on the licensed premises and is subject to
all the provisions of this article relating to beer, wine and
liquor licenses, Class C, in force and effect in Prince George's
County, except that restrictions on the sale of alcoholic
beverages on Sunday found in § 103 of this article and elsewhere
do not apply. In no event may alcoholic beverages be sold,
served or consumed on the licensed premises on Sunday before
twelve o'clock noon or after 2:00 a.m. on the following day.
(3) In Prince George's County a special Class C
(yacht club) license shall be issued, upon the approval by the
board of license commissioners, to any yacht club in said county
applying therefor which has fifty (50) or more bona fide members
paying dues of not less than seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per
annum per member, which maintains at the time of application for
the license a clubhouse with a seating capacity sufficient to
accommodate at one time at least one hundred (100) persons, slips
or berths for seventy-five (75) boats or more and at least five
(5) acres of ground. Such a license shall authorize the holder
thereof to keep for sale and to sell at retail any alcoholic
beverages, to any member or guest when accompanied by a member at
the place described in said license, for consumption on the
licensed premises only and shall be subject to all the provisions
of this article relating to beer, wine and liquor licenses, Class
C, in force and effect in Prince George's County, except that
restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sunday found
in § 103 of this article and elsewhere shall not apply; provided
that in no event may alcoholic beverages be sold, served or
consumed on the licensed premises on Sunday before twelve o'clock
noon or after twelve o'clock midnight.
The annual fee for such a license shall be [eight hundred
dollars ($800.00)] $920. The application for any such license
filed on behalf of any such yacht club in Prince George's County
shall be signed by at least one officer of said club, who shall
be a resident, registered voter and taxpayer of Prince George's