of the board of license commissioners for Prince George's County.
For the purposes of this section the term "person" means a
natural person, an association, a firm, a partnership, a
corporation or the County Council of Prince George's County. The
annual license fee for the arena license is [$7,500] $8,600. The
residency requirements specified in § 40 of this article as it
pertains to Prince George's County do not apply to arena
(7) (i) In Prince George's County, the board of
license commissioners is authorized to issue a special Class B
on-sale beer, wine and liquor license to be known as Class BCE.
A Class BCE license shall be issued only to catering
establishments. Application for this license shall be made in
the regular manner, and the license fee is [$2,000] $2,300.
(8) (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 53(5)(b)
of this article, in Prince George's County, the board of license
commissioners may approve the issuance of a Class B/ECF, beer,
wine and liquor license, to be known as an "educational
conference facility" license, to the University of Maryland,
University College Center of Adult Education for the sale of
beer, wine, and liquor by the drink within the Center, from one
or more outlets, for consumption on the licensed premises to any
person or persons authorized by the proper authority to use the
Center. The application for this license shall be filed and
processed in the normal manner.
(ii) The policies of the center that pertain to
the sponsorship of events where alcoholic beverages may be sold
shall be filed with the application.
(iii) This license shall be issued to the
individual authorized by the University College Center of Adult
Education of the University of Maryland to act for it, assume all
responsibility, and be subject to all the penalties, conditions,
and restrictions imposed upon licenses under this article. The
individual shall be a resident and registered voter of Prince
George's County, Maryland. All profits from the sale of
alcoholic beverages shall be deposited into the food services
income fund. The residency requirements specified in § 40 of
this article as it pertains to Prince George's County do not
apply to Class B/ECF licenses.
(iv) The board of license commissioners shall
prescribe rules and regulations pertaining to the manner of
dispensing alcoholic beverages, and the hours and days of sale
authorized in § 103 of this article. The licensee is subject to
all the provisions of this article and to the rules and
regulations of the board of license commissioners for Prince
George's County.
(v) The annual fee is [$2,500] $2,875.
(9) (iv) Class B-CI licenses shall be applied for in
the regular manner and have a license fee of [$940] $1,080.