AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section
6-126 (a) of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and
Supplements), Title 6, "Crimes and Misdemeanors", Subtitle 1,
"Generally"; to add new Sections 6-126 (b) and (c) to said Code,
to follow immediately after Section 6-126 (a); and to repeal and
reenact, with amendments, Sections 6-126 (b), (c) and (d) of said
Code as Sections 6-126 (d), (e) and (f); for the purpose of
prohibiting certain noises in residential areas.
Approved September 22, 1983.
Bill No. 96-83
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact with amendments Sections
1-211 (i), 1-214.1 and 1-215A of the Anne Arundel County Code
(1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 1, "Administration",
Subtitle 2, "Personnel", Article II, "Classified Service" as
amended by Bill No. 52-83; to add new Section 1-217.1(A) to said
Code, Title, Subtitle and Article; for the purpose of providing
that certain positions within the Department of Utilities are
entitled to overtime compensation under certain circumstances;
altering the rate and frequency of merit or promotional salary
increase payable to employees within the Department of Utilities
under certain circumstances; to create a job title, minimum
standards and salary grade for a new classified position within
the Department of Utilities; and all matters generally related
Approved October 7, 1983.
Bill No. 97-83
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section
17-703(o) of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and
Supplements), Title 17, "Taxation", Subtitle 7, "Miscellaneous
Taxes", to enlarge the purposes of the Indian Hills Special
Community Benefit District to include the renovation and
reconstruction of the community pool and matters generally
related thereto.
Approved October 19, 1983.
Bill No. 98-83
AN ORDINANCE to amend Section 11-408 (e) of the Anne Arundel
County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 11, "Health and
Welfare", Subtitle 4, "Sanitary Landfills", to exempt the Mayor