the Secretary of State may within 30 days of the
denial submit a petition for reconsideration.
The Secretary of State's disposition of the
petition shall be conclusive and final.
Section 5.
The operating agency shall:
A. Demonstrate its administrative capability to
manage and operate an extensive fund-raising
campaign among the State's current and retired
employees in an efficient manner;
B. Demonstrate its financial capability to manage
and operate a fund-raising campaign in an
efficient manner yielding contributions
comparable to those made by State employees and
retirees in the past;
C. Demonstrate its public accountability by
certifying that it annually submits to a
financial audit by a certified public
accountant; make its audited financial
statement, or a summary thereof, available to
the public upon request; provide evidence that
it has engaged in sound management practices
that indicate that contributions donated by the
public have been utilized with the utmost
integrity; and
D. Demonstrate that it has established a broad base
of community support in the State and has
established on-going and cooperative relations
with a significant number of the State's
charitable organizations.
Section 6.
The operating agency shall;
A. Promote and publicize the Campaign among the
State's current and retired work force;
B. Publish brochures, informational materials and
related matter sufficient for each potential
contributor to fairly identify the participating
agencies and their principal activity or
charitable purpose(s), and the methods to be
used for indicating the dollar amount of payroll
deduction they wish to contribute;