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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 1826   View pdf image
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Ch. 291

payment of the expenses of issuing and delivering the bonds
unless funds for this purpose are otherwise provided and
thereafter shall be credited on the books of the State
Comptroller and expended, upon approval by the Board of Public
Works, for the following public purposes, including any
applicable architects' and engineers' fees: for financing the
construction of public school buildings and public school capital
improvements in this State in accordance with §§ 5-301 through
5-303 of the Education Article of the Code (1978 Volume and 1983
Supplement, as amended from time to time).

(4) There is hereby levied and imposed an annual State tax
on all assessable property in the State in rate and amount
sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as
and when due and until paid in full, such principal to be
discharged within fifteen years of the date of issue of the

take effect June 1, 1984.

Approved May 15, 1984.


(Senate Bill 763)

AN ACT concerning

Procurement - Human, Social,
Cultural, and Educational Services

FOR the purpose of continuing until a certain date the present
exemption from the State Procurement Law for the acquisition
of human, social, cultural, and educational. services;
establishing a new method of source selection that may be
used in the procurement of human, social, and educational
services contracts under certain circumstances and subject

to certain provisions relating to confidentiality; ;

providing that competitive sealed bidding is not the
preferred method for awarding a contract for human, social,

cultural, and educational services; requiring the

development of certain regulations; requiring certain notice
of certain human, social, and educational service contracts;
making this Act contingent on the passage of a certain other
Act establishing a process for expedited procurement;
providing for annual reports as to expedited procurements;
providing a delayed effective date for certain provisions of
this Act; and generally relating to the procurement of
human, social, cultural, and educational services.


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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 1826   View pdf image
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