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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 5126   View pdf image
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Bill No. 34-04 AN ORDINANCE concerning: Personnel - Classified Service; Exempt Service FOR the purpose of altering the classification and pay plan; adding and deleting
certain classifications to the classified service; establishing the minimum
qualifications for certain classifications; providing and altering the pay
schedules and base salaries for certain employees; amending provisions related
to pay at hiring and on advancement, promotion, demotion, or reclassification of
certain employees; providing for the applicability of this Ordinance; altering
allowances and other pays; altering certain leave provisions; altering certain
provisions for educational assistance; and generally relating to the classified
service and the exempt service. BY repealing Article 8 §§ 1-201(b)(310A); 1-203; 1-205(b) through (d) and (g); 1-208(d) through (g); 1-302(d) and (f); 1-303(a)(2); 2-101(b); and 2-102.1(d)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended) BY repealing and reenacting: Article 8 §§ 1-202(c)(13) and (16); 1-205(e) and (f); 1-206(b), (c)(1), (e)(1), (f)(1)
and (2), and (h); 1-206.1(b), (c), (e)(1) and (2), and (g); 1-206.2(b)(1), (c)(1)
and (2), (d)(1) and (2), and (f); 1-210.1(b) and (c); 1-301(b)(4) and (c);
l-303(c)(l)(iii)l; and 1-306(b)(2) and (d)(1) Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended) BY renumbering: Article 8, § 1-201(b)(141) through (154A), (155), (156), (157), and (263) through
(268) to be Article 8, § 1-201(b)(140) through (154), (157), (155), (156), and
(261) through (267), respectively Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended) BY adding: Article 8, §§ 1-201(b)(154A), (268), and (274); 1-203; 1-205(b) through (d);
1-206(c)(3); 1-208(d), 1-209.1; 1-210.1(d); 1-302(d) and (f); 1-303(a)(2);
2-101(b), and 2-102.1(d) Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended) Bill No. 36-04 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE concerning: Cedarhurst-on-the-Bay Special Community Benefit District FOR the purpose of modifying the purposes of the Cedarhurst-on-the-Bay Special
Community Benefit District. - 5125 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 5126   View pdf image
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