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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 5103   View pdf image
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FOR THE PURPOSE of correcting a typographical error in pending County
Ordinance No. 04-08. BY AMENDING the proposed new Subsection 18:l-186(d)(3) to Title 18 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Queen Anne's County (1996 Ed.).
Ordinance No. 04-09 AN ACT CONCERNING the Adoption of a new Subtitle 3 of Title 21 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Queen Anne's County (1996 Ed.) to be entitled "Department of
Emergency Services"; FOR THE PURPOSE of formally establishing the Department of Emergency
Services; providing for an Emergency Service Advisory Council; providing for their
general powers, duties, membership and terms; providing that the County
Commissioners shall provide funding for the Department; and providing for certain
responsibilities of the Department. BY enacting a new Subtitle 3 of Title 21 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Queen Anne's County (1996 Ed.).
Ordinance No. 04-10 AN ACT CONCERNING an Amendment to the National Electric Code
Exempting Smoke Detectors from the Requirement of Wiring into Arc Fault Protected
Circuits in Queen Anne's County; FOR THE PURPOSE of exempting smoke detectors from the provisions of the
National Electric Code, 2002 Edition requiring arc fault protected circuits. BY adding a new Section 10-104 to the Code of Public Local Laws of Queen
Anne's County (1996 Ed.) and renumbering existing Section 10-104 to Section
Ordinance No. 04-11 AN ACT CONCERNING the Definition of Adaptive Reuse under Title 18 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Queen Anne's County (1996 Ed.) and Providing for
Specific Standards for Adaptive Reuse as a Bed-and-Breakfast or Country Inn. FOR THE PURPOSE of clarifying and defining the term "adaptive reuse of an
existing building" and providing that a structure must be at least ten (10) years old
before it can be approved as an adaptive reuse of an existing building as a
bed-and-breakfast or country inn. BY ADDING a definition of "adaptive reuse of an existing building" to Title 18 of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Queen Anne's County (1996 Ed.) and BY
AMENDING Section 18:l-95(g) of Title 18.
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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 5103   View pdf image
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