Effective Date May 27, 2004]
A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Salisbury proposing the
annexation to the City of Salisbury of a certain area of land situate contiguous to and
binding upon the Northeasterly corporate limits of the City of Salisbury, to be known
as the "Harford Road — Homes at Foxfield Apartments Annexation", being an area
located on the Southerly side of Harford Road.
(0.847 acres of land, more or less)
[Pursuant to Article I, Section SC 1-1 of the Charter of the City of Salisbury,
Wicomico County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland — Compilation of
Municipal Charters .(1990 Replacement Edition and 2004 Supplement).
Effective Date May 27, 2004]
A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Salisbury proposing the
annexation to the City of Salisbury of a certain area of land situate contiguous to and
binding upon the Southwesterly corporate limits of the City of Salisbury, to be known
as the "Pemberton Drive - Martin and Ruark Annexation", being an area located on
the West side of Pemberton Drive.
(40.489 acres of land, more or less)
[Pursuant to Article I, Section SC 1-1 of the Charter of the City of Salisbury,
Wicomico County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of
Municipal Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 2004 Supplement).
Effective Date June 24, 2004]
A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Salisbury proposing the
annexation to the City of Salisbury of a certain area of land situate contiguous to and
binding upon the Easterly corporate limits of the City of Salisbury, to be known as the
"Glen Avenue - East Fields Development Annexation", being an area located on the
Southerly side of Glen Avenue.
(16.164 acres of land, more or less)
[Pursuant to Article I, Section SC 1-1 of the Charter of the City of Salisbury,
Wicomico County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of
Municipal Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 2004 Supplement).
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