H.B. 1578
(b) The Secretary shall deposit to the credit of the bond supplement reserve
the following funds:
(1) A portion of the assessment under § 15-509(b)(l) of this subtitle
equal to 2 cents for each ton of coal produced for the month;
(2) The amount of the assessment under § 15-509(b)(2) of this subtitle;
(3) The amount of the assessment under § 15-509(d) of this subtitle.
(c) When the amount of money in the bond supplement reserve equals or
exceeds [$300,000] $750,000 at the end of the month, deposits into the reserve of the
amounts provided in subsection (b)(1) and (2) of this section shall end temporarily.
(d) The assessment under § 15-509(d) of this subtitle shall end temporarily for
any month when:
(1) The amount of money in the bond supplement reserve equals or
exceeds [$300,000] $750,000 at the end of the month;
(2) An amount equal to the amount paid to the bond supplement reserve
under subsection (b)(1) of this section from the assessment under § 15-509(d) of this
subtitle has been credited to the Bituminous Coal Open-Pit Mining Reclamation
Fund; and
(3) An amount equal to the amount paid to the bond supplement reserve
under subsection (b)(2) of this section from the assessment under § 15-509(d) of this
subtitle has been remitted to the fiscal authority of the county in which the coal was
(e) At the end of any month when the amount of money in the bond
supplement reserve is reduced below [$200,000] $500,000:
(1) The assessment under § 15-509(d) of this subtitle shall resume; and
(2) Deposits into the bond supplement reserve of the amounts in
subsection (b)(1), (2), and (3) of this section shall resume.
(f) The Secretary shall notify each county when remitting or suspending the
remittance of the amount under § 15-509(b)(2) of this subtitle.
(g) The Secretary shall meet and confer with the Land Reclamation
Committee at least 30 days before procuring any services for which funds from the
bond supplement reserve will be used, and shall provide the Committee an
opportunity to submit comments and recommendations about the proposed
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 2005.
May 26, 2005
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