ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 585
(f) The Executive Committee may award a planning grant from the Fund to
assist an organization in a county to prepare an application for a grant for the next
fiscal year.
Subject to § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, the Executive Committee
shall report by December 31 of each year to the General Assembly on the
implementation of the Program, including an evaluation of the effectiveness of the
after-school opportunity programs funded by grants under the Program.
The Executive Committee shall adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of
this subtitle.
This subtitle may be cited as the Maryland After-School Opportunity Fund Act.
(a) The functions and activities of the following programs are transferred from
the Department of Human Resources to the State Department of Education:
(1) Maryland Child Care Resource Network;
(2) Maryland Family Support Centers Network;
(3) Maryland Child Care Credential; and
(4) any other child care or early childhood development program within
the Department of Human Resources.
(b) The functions and activities of the following programs are transferred from
the Office for Children, Youth, and Families to the State Department of Education:
(1) Home Visiting Consortium;
(2) Healthy Families Maryland;
(3) School Based Health Care Initiative; and
(4) any other childcare or early childhood development program within
the Office for Children, Youth, and Families.
SECTION 8. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That nothing in this Act shall
be construed to facilitate or effectuate the transfer of the Office of Child Care Subsidy
or the Purchase of Child Care Voucher Program from the Department of Human
Resources to the State Department of Education. The State Department of Education,
in consultation with the Department of Human Resources, shall study whether the
Purchase of Child Care Voucher Program should be transferred to the State
Department of Education at a later date. The State Department of Education shall
report the results of this study and any recommendations concerning the transfer of
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