Ch. 585
(c) (1) On or before December 15 of each year, the Executive Committee, in
consultation with the Advisory Board, shall review and update the comprehensive
plan of after-school opportunity programs as described in paragraph (2) of this
(2) The comprehensive plan shall address at least the following issues:
(i) Integration of public and private funding sources;
(ii) Maximization of federal funding opportunities;
(iii) Consideration of the special needs of developmentally disabled
children, including needed services, supports, and appropriate provider training;
(iv) Promotion of the use of school buildings and local public
transportation resources for after-school opportunity programs;
(v) Where applicable, use of the local child care resource and
referral centers of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network for technical
assistance purposes;
(vi) Promotion of continued expansion of high quality after-school
opportunity programs in the State; and
(vii) Consideration of implementing the full range of options for
improving the delivery of after-school opportunity programs, including the potential
expansion of the purchase of care voucher system.
(d) (1) Each fiscal year, in consultation with the Advisory Board and subject
to the availability of money in the Fund, the Executive Committee shall issue a
request for proposals under the State procurement law soliciting bids for a grant from
the Fund.
(2) Subject to subsection (b)(2) of this section, the Executive Committee
may award a grant from the Fund to an applicant only after consultation with the
Advisory Board and upon a favorable vote of a majority of the members of the
Executive Committee.
(3) In any fiscal year, the total grants awarded to applicants operating
within a particular county or Baltimore City may not exceed 15% of the total grants
awarded in that fiscal year.
(4) The Executive Committee must identify and ensure that a
responsible organization will administer any grant awarded from the Fund.
(e) In selecting an organization to administer a grant from the Fund, the
Executive Committee shall select the responsive and responsible bidder whose
application best incorporates features that will have a positive measurable impact on
one or more of the conditions of well-being for Maryland children and youth identified
by the Maryland Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families.
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