(3) The remaining balance to the general fund of the county.
(b) (1) Cecil County may not deduct more than 5% of the revenue for
administrative costs under subsection (a)(1) of this section.
(2) Garrett County shall designate a part of the balance under
subsection (a)(3) of this section for the promotion of the county.
(3) (i) Wicomico County may not deduct more than 5% of the revenue
for administrative costs under subsection (a)(1) of this section.
(ii) If Wicomico County authorizes a hotel rental tax rate of 5%, the
county shall distribute:
1. 20% of the revenue to the Salisbury Zoological Park; and
2. 20% of the revenue to the Tourism Center for Wicomico
County to be used for its operation and maintenance.
(iii) Wicomico County shall deposit all remaining revenues, after the
distributions under subsection (a)(1) of this section and subparagraphs (ii) and (iii) of
this paragraph in the general funds of Wicomico County to underwrite the Wicomico
County Convention and Visitors Bureau.
(4) (i) For purposes of this paragraph, actual administrative costs
mean costs incurred for wages, postage, and supplies.
(ii) Washington County:
1. Shall distribute 45% of the total hotel rental tax revenue
collected in the county to the general fund of Washington County to be used to fund
the Hagerstown/Washington County Convention and Visitors Bureau; and
2. Shall distribute the remaining balance after the
distribution under item 1 of this subparagraph to a special fund, to be used only to
cover actual administrative costs and legal fees incurred in administering the hotel
rental tax, develop tourism attractions, enhance economic development, and support
cultural and recreational projects in Washington County.
(iii) A municipal corporation in Washington County may apply to
the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County for funding from the
special fund established under subparagraph (ii)2 of this paragraph for an eligible
project within the municipal corporation.
(iv) Each year before adoption of its annual budget, the
Hagerstown/Washington County Convention and Visitors Bureau shall hold a public
hearing on the proposed annual budget.
(v) On or before September 1 of each year beginning in 2001:
1. The Board of County Commissioners of Washington
County shall report to the Washington County Senate and House Delegations of the
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