ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 581
(i) Files the hotel rental tax return; and
(ii) Pays the hotel rental tax.
(2) The Commissioners of Calvert County, CARROLL COUNTY, Charles
County, St. Mary's County, and Washington County may determine whether a hotel is
eligible to receive a discount.
An authorized county shall administer the hotel rental tax for that county.
To provide for orderly, systematic, and thorough administration of the hotel
rental tax, an authorized county may adopt regulations that:
(1) Are consistent with this subtitle; and
(2) Conform to the applicable provisions and regulations for the sales
and use tax under Title 11 of the Tax - General Article.
(a) The Comptroller shall provide an authorized county with information to
help the county to verify hotel rental tax liability.
(b) (1) The Comptroller may charge an authorized county a reasonable fee
for the cost of providing information.
(2) The county shall treat the fee as a hotel rental tax administrative
(a) To cover the revenue that a treasurer collects under this subtitle, an
authorized county may increase the surety bond that the county requires for its
(b) The county shall treat any additional premium due to a surety bond
increase allowed under subsection (a) of this section as a hotel rental tax
administrative cost.
(a) Except for Talbot County, Washington County, Dorchester County, [and]
Frederick County, AND CARROLL COUNTY, an authorized county shall distribute the
hotel rental tax revenue as follows:
(1) From the total revenue, a reasonable sum for hotel rental tax
administrative costs to the general fund of the county;
(2) In a code county and Calvert, Cecil, Garrett, and St. Mary's counties,
after the distribution in item (1) of this subsection, the revenue attributable to a hotel
located in a municipal corporation to the municipal corporation; and
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