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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 3204   View pdf image
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Ch. 557                                    2005 LAWS OF MARYLAND (8) An inmate who knowingly violates a term or condition of the home
detention program is subject to: (i) the penalties provided under § 11-726 of this subtitle; and (ii) any other disciplinary action authorized under law. (e) (1) The Administrator may: (i) establish, for the rehabilitation and training of an inmate who
is sentenced to imprisonment in a local correctional facility, a program that enables
the inmate to: 1.       attend a vocational or educational institution [in the
county]; 2.       work at gainful, private employment [in the county]; or 3.       participate in any other training or rehabilitation program
[in the county]; (ii) establish eligibility criteria for participation in a program; (iii) release an eligible inmate from actual confinement to
participate in a program; (iv) establish any other training or rehabilitation program; (v) reduce a participant's sentence 1 day for each day that the
participant: 1.       performs with exceptional industry, application, and skill
any industrial, agricultural, or administrative task assigned to the participant; or 2.       performs with satisfactory industry, application, and
progress in the program to which the participant is assigned; and (vi) after an administrative hearing, cancel any earned diminution
of an inmate's term of confinement if the inmate violates a regulation adopted under
this section. (2)     (i) The Administrator shall adopt regulations to conduct each
program. (ii) In adopting the regulations, the Administrator shall consider
the safety of the public and the security of a local correctional facility. (iii) [If] EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SUBSECTION (G)(2) OF THIS
SECTION, IF a condition of THE sentence imposed by a court on an inmate is
inconsistent with a regulation adopted under this subsection, the condition imposed
by the court controls as to that inmate. (3)     While not released from confinement under the terms of a program,
each participant shall be confined in a local correctional facility. - 3204 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 3204   View pdf image
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