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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 3203   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                             Ch. 557 (3) While released from confinement under the terms of a program, a
participant is not an agent, employee, or servant of the county. (d) (1) The Administrator shall: (i) establish and administer a home detention program; and (ii) adopt regulations for the program. (2)     (i) When an individual who is convicted of a crime is sentenced or
at any time during the individual's confinement as an inmate, a judge may allow the
individual to participate in the home detention program. (ii) In addition to participation at the recommendation of a judge
under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, the Administrator may place the inmate in
the home detention program unless the court has ordered otherwise. (3)     Subject to paragraph (4) of this subsection, an inmate is eligible for
the home detention program if the inmate: (i) is recommended for the program by a judge or placed in the
program by the Administrator under paragraph (2) of this subsection; and (ii) has no other charges pending in any jurisdiction. (4)     An inmate is not eligible for the home detention program if the
(i) is serving a sentence for a crime of violence; or
(ii) has been found guilty of the crime of: 1.       child abuse under § 3-601 or § 3-602 of the Criminal Law 2.       escape under § 9-404 of the Criminal Law Article.
Article; or
(5)     While participating in the home detention program, an inmate is
responsible for: (i) the costs of the inmate's medical care and related expenses; and (ii) the costs of the inmate's lodging, food, clothing, transportation,
restitution, and taxes. (6)     [Unless the court has ordered otherwise, the] THE Administrator
may: (i) collect a reasonable fee from each inmate participating in the
home detention program; or (ii) waive or reduce the fee. (7)     The Administrator may determine the maximum number of
participants in the home detention program. - 3203 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 3203   View pdf image
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