(House Bill 340)
Ch. 445
AN ACT concerning
Creation of a State Debt - Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2005
and the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003,
and 2004
FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of Six
Hundred Sixty-Five Million, Three Hundred Thirty-Five Four Hundred
Forty-Three Thousand Dollars ($665,335,000) ($665,443,000) the proceeds to be
used for certain necessary building, construction, demolition, planning,
renovation, conversion, replacement, and capital equipment purchases of this
State, for acquiring certain real estate in connection therewith, and for grants to
certain subdivisions and other organizations for certain purposes, subject to the
requirement that certain grantees provide certain matching funds of a certain
type by a certain date; providing generally for the issuance and sale of bonds
evidencing the loan; altering a provision of law to allow the Maryland Stadium
Authority to use certain funds for certain studies; providing for certain
unexpended appropriations in prior capital budgets and bond loan acts to be
expended for other public projects; altering certain requirements for certain
programs in prior capital budget acts; providing that the authorizations of State
Debt in certain prior capital budgets and bond loan acts be reduced by certain
amounts; providing for certain additional information to be detailed about each
project in the capital program; repealing a requirement for a certain
appropriation; altering the membership of the Interagency Committee on School
Construction; prohibiting certain individuals from being appointed as members
of the Interagency Committee on School Construction; clarifying that the
Interagency Committee on School Construction is a public body that is subject to
the Open Meetings Law; requiring certain functions to be considered
quasi-legislative for certain purposes under the Open Meetings Law; limiting the
school construction projects that can be approved by the Board of Public Works by
a certain date for a certain fiscal year; altering the membership of the Capital
Debt Affordability Committee; and generally relating to the financing of certain
capital projects.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Chapter 138 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1998, as amended by Chapter
204 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 2003
Section 12
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Chapter 508 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 2000
Section 1(3) Item DE02.01(F)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
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