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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 1814   View pdf image
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Ch. 391                                    2005 LAWS OF MARYLAND
(ii) May continue to render treatment under the joint treatment
plan until the patient is examined by an ophthalmologist; (iii) Shall consult with an ophthalmologist if: 1.       The patient does not have the expected response to
treatment; 2.       The target intraocular pressure is not reached; or 3.       There is worsening in a patient's visual field or optic nerve
head; and (iv) May perform and evaluate visual field tests, nerve fiber layer
photos, and optic disc photos. The tests or photos shall be provided to an
ophthalmologist for review by the ophthalmologist. (d)     (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, a
therapeutically certified optometrist may not administer or prescribe any oral
pharmaceutical agent for any purpose. (2)     (i) A therapeutically certified optometrist may administer and
prescribe oral tetracycline and its derivatives only for the diagnosis and treatment of
meibomitis and seborrheic blepharitis. (ii) If a therapeutically certified optometrist administers or
prescribes oral tetracycline or its derivatives to a patient in accordance with
subparagraph (i) of this paragraph and the patient does not improve within 3 weeks
of treatment, the optometrist shall refer the patient to an ophthalmologist. (3)     A therapeutically certified optometrist may administer or prescribe
nonprescription drugs that are commercially available. (e)     (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, a
therapeutically certified optometrist may not perform any procedure on the eyelid of
a patient. (2) A therapeutically certified optometrist may epilate with forceps an
eyelash from the eyelid, adnexa, or lacrimal system of a patient. (f)      (1) A therapeutically certified optometrist may remove superficial
foreign bodies from the human eye only if: [(1)](I) The foreign body may be removed with a cotton-tipped
applicator or blunt spatula; and [(2)](II) The foreign body has not penetrated beyond the bowman's
membrane of the cornea and is not within 2.5 millimeters of the visual axis. (2) A THERAPEUTICALLY CERTIFIED OPTOMETRIST MAY REMOVE
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Session Laws, 2005
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