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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 1813   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                             Ch. 391 (ii) Antiviral agents; (iii)] (I) (II) Antifungal agents; [(iv)] (II) (III) Antimetabolite agents; or [(v)] (III) (IV) Antiparasitic agents. (5) (6) A therapeutically certified optometrist may dispense a topical
therapeutic pharmaceutical agent listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection only if: (i) No charge is imposed for the therapeutic pharmaceutical agent
or for dispensing the agent; and (ii) The amount dispensed does not exceed a 72-hour supply, except
that if the minimum available quantity for dispensing is greater than a 72-hour
supply, the minimum available quantity may be dispensed. (c) (1) A therapeutically certified optometrist may administer and prescribe
topical therapeutic pharmaceutical agents for glaucoma only: (i) For patients with primary open-angle glaucoma; (ii) After the optometrist refers the patient to an ophthalmologist;
and (iii) After the ophthalmologist and optometrist jointly and promptly
develop a written individualized treatment plan that is signed by the ophthalmologist
and optometrist and includes: 1.       All tests and examinations that led to the diagnosis; 2.       An initial schedule of all tests and examinations necessary
to treat the patient's condition; 3.       A medication plan; 4.       A target intraocular pressure; and 5.       Criteria for surgical intervention by the ophthalmologist. (2)     (i) A treatment plan developed under this subsection may be
modified only after both the optometrist and the ophthalmologist consult together
and consent to the modification. (ii) Each modification shall be noted in the optometric record of the
patient. (3)     A therapeutically certified optometrist who treats a patient with
primary open-angle glaucoma in accordance with this section: (i) Shall refer the patient to an ophthalmologist at least once a
year after the initial mandatory referral under paragraph (1) of this subsection;
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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 1813   View pdf image
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