SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 2006.
(a) There is a Citizens' Advisory Council for the Baltimore Corridor Transit
Study - Red Line.
(b) The Advisory Council consists of the following members:
(1) 5 members who are business owners, residents, service providers, or
workers in the Red Line transit corridor, and who are appointed by the President of
the Senate:
(i) based on geographic consideration; and
(ii) after consultation with the members of the Baltimore City
Delegation of the General Assembly who represent legislative districts 41, 44, and 46
and the members of the Baltimore County Delegation to the General Assembly who
represent legislative district 10;
(2) 5 members who are business owners, residents, service providers, or
workers in the Red Line transit corridor, and who are appointed by the Speaker of the
(i) based on geographic consideration; and
(ii) after consultation with the members of the Baltimore City
Delegation of the General Assembly who represent legislative districts 41, 44, and 46
and the members of the Baltimore County Delegation to the General Assembly who
represent legislative district 10;
(3) 2 members who are appointed by the Governor or, at the Governor's
discretion, the Maryland Transit Administrator;
(4) 2 members who are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Baltimore
to represent the Baltimore City Department of Transportation and the Baltimore City
Department of Planning; and
(5) 1 member who is appointed by the County Executive of Baltimore
(c) The Maryland Transit Administrator shall designate two co-chairs of the
Advisory Council in the following manner:
(1) one from a list of two names provided by the President of the Senate
from the members appointed under subsection (b) of this section; and
(2) one from a list of two names provided by the Speaker of the House
from the members appointed under subsection (b) of this section-
ed) The term of a member of the Advisory Council shall continue until the
commencement of operation of passenger service on the initial phase of the Red Line
or until project funding is otherwise expended.
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