ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 2
(vi) Baltimore County;
(v) (vii) The surrounding communities; and
(vi) (viii) The property owners and business owners of the area
comprising the Baltimore Corridor Transit Study - Red Line; and
(3) Consider methods for providing preference in hiring for construction
jobs for the construction of any Red Line transit project to:
(i) residents of legislative districts in which the Red Line transit
project will be constructed; or
(ii) residents of legislative districts adjacent to those in which the
Red Line transit project will be constructed.
(3) Evaluate all alternatives, alignments, and transit modes, including
heavy rail and tunneling, in terms of addressing the transportation needs of the area
comprising and surrounding the Baltimore Corridor Transit Study - Red Line,
regardless of the cost associated with a particular alternative, alignment, or transit
(4) Establish a Red Line Project Community Advisory Committee that:
(i) shall—provide—for community participation—in the design,
planning, construction, and operation of the transit project known as the Red Line
(ii) may not exceed 21 members; and
(iii) shall include:
1. 3 residents of each legislative district affected by the Red
Line project appointed by the State Senator from the district;
2. 2 members appointed by the Mayor of the City of
3. 1 member appointed by the Baltimore City Council;
4. 1 member appointed by the Baltimore County Council;
5. 8 members appointed by the Secretary of Transportation;
6. 1 resident of the 7th Congressional District appointed by
the Congressional representative of that district; and
(5) Consult with the Red Line Project Community Advisory Committee
before making any major decision concerning the Red Line project.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Maryland Transit
Administration shall report to the General Assembly by December 1, 2006, in
accordance with § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, on any findings or
information related to the requirements specified in Section 1 of this Act.
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