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Session Laws, 2006, Special Session
Volume 751, Page 15   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                                 Ch. 4
(iii) if it is advisable, how incorporation of an advisory council into
major planning projects can best be accomplished. SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 2006. Enacted June 14, 2006.
CHAPTER 4 (House Bill 2) AN ACT concerning Sexual Offenders - Supervision, Notifications, and Penalties FOR the purpose of requiring the Maryland Parole Commission to administer certain
extended sexual offender parole supervision; prohibiting certain inmates from
receiving credit for time between certain releases and certain revocation of
release; prohibiting certain sexual acts by certain persons involving children
who are under a certain age; requiring a court to impose a certain sentence for
certain offenses under certain circumstances; establishing certain penalties;
providing that the jurisdiction of the District Court is concurrent with the
jurisdiction of the circuit court in certain criminal cases involving registration of
certain offenders; establishing that the initial registration of an individual
relating to certain sexual offenses and offenses involving children is a reportable
offense for certain criminal records purposes; requiring local law enforcement
units to register certain offenders; altering the responsibilities of supervising
establishing that all persons subject to certain registration
requirements must register in person; altering the time periods relating to
registration; requiring that certain registrations include a photograph that shall
be updated at least once each year; repealing certain dates before which certain
registrants are required to register; increasing the term of registration of certain
registrants; requiring a certain supervising authority to obtain a DNA sample
from a certain registrant under certain circumstances; altering certain time
periods for certain notification requirements; requiring a local law enforcement
unit to provide a certain notice to a certain county superintendent and certain
nonpublic schools of a change of address of a certain sexual offender within a
certain time period; requiring a local law enforcement unit to provide a certain
notice to a certain police department of a certain change of address of a certain
sexual offender within a certain time period; requiring a certain police
department to provide a certain notice to a certain commander of a local police
precinct or district within a certain time period; requiring a local law
enforcement unit to send a copy of a certain notice to a certain commander of a
local police precinct or district within a certain time period; authorizing a local
law enforcement unit to send a certain notice to certain organizations that serve
children and other individuals vulnerable to certain offenders; requiring certain
registration statements to include a certain description of the crime that is the
basis for the registration of a certain offender; requiring the Department of
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Session Laws, 2006, Special Session
Volume 751, Page 15   View pdf image
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