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Session Laws, 2006, Special Session
Volume 751, Page 14   View pdf image
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Ch. 3                                        2006 LAWS OF MARYLAND surrounding the Red Line transit corridor in Baltimore City and Baltimore County,
and providing hiring preferences as provided by Section 1 of this Act;
(2)     consideration of a full range of construction alternatives, including an
underground rail option;
(3)     ensuring that the Red Line project: (i) benefits the communities through which it will travel; (ii) uses an inclusive planning process, including consultation with
community residents, businesses, and institutions in the corridor;
(iii) is planned to maximize the likelihood that federal funding will
be obtained for the project;
(iv) includes, during its planning phase, the distribution of factual
information that allows the community to compare the costs, benefits, and impacts of
all construction alternatives;
(v) favors alignments that produce the least negative community
impacts practicable; and
(vi) places a priority on maintaining the Study schedule. (i) The Advisory Council shall limit its review to matters within the scope of
the Study and any other matters identified by the Administrator. (j) The Advisory Council shall advise the Administrator on the major policy
matters under subsection (h) of this section in a manner to maintain the Red Line
project schedule. (k) On or before September 1 of each year, the Advisory Council shall report on
its activities during the prior fiscal year to the Governor and, in accordance with §
2-1246 of the State Government Article, to the General Assembly. (l) The Administration shall: (1)     provide staff to the Advisory Council; (2)     solicit the advice of the Advisory Council before major project
decisions are made; and (3)     at the conclusion of the planning phase of the Red Line and at the
commencement of passenger service, prepare a report, in consultation with the
Advisory Council, that evaluates: (i) the Advisory Council as a best practice strategy for
incorporating community participation in major transportation planning projects; (ii) whether it is advisable for a similar advisory council to be
incorporated into major planning projects undertaken by the Administration
throughout the State; and - 14 -

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Session Laws, 2006, Special Session
Volume 751, Page 14   View pdf image
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