ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 484
7. Any other information the Commission and the Health
Services Cost Review Commission consider necessary to disburse money from the
(iii) It is the intent of the General Assembly that trauma physicians
and trauma centers shall cooperate with the Commission and the Health Services
Cost Review Commission by providing information required under this paragraph in
a timely and complete manner.
(e) On or before September 1 of each year, the Commission and the Health
Services Cost Review Commission shall report to the General Assembly, in accordance
with § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, on:
(1) The amount of money in the Fund on the last day of the previous
fiscal year;
(2) The amount of money applied for by trauma physicians and trauma
centers during the previous fiscal year;
(3) The amount of money distributed in the form of trauma physician
and trauma center reimbursements during the previous fiscal year;
(4) Any recommendations for altering the manner in which trauma
physicians and trauma centers are reimbursed from the Fund;
(5) The costs incurred in administering the Fund during the previous
fiscal year; and
(6) The amount that each hospital that participates in the Maryland
trauma system and that has a trauma center contributes toward the subsidization of
trauma-related costs for its trauma center.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Health Services Cost
Review Commission shall develop guidelines for the approval of an annual grant from
the Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund under § 19-130 of the Health -
General Article of up to $500,000 $490,000 to subsidize the stand-by costs for an
out-of-state pediatric trauma center that has entered into an agreement with the
Maryland Institute for Emergency Services Systems.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) subsections (b) and (c) of this section.
notwithstanding any other provision of law, expenditures from the Maryland
Physicians Trauma Fund for costs incurred in any fiscal year may not exceed revenues
of the Fund in that fiscal year without the approval of the General Assembly.
(b) (1) The Health Services Cost Review Commission Maryland Health Care
Commission shall issue a onetime grant from the Maryland Trauma Physician
Services Fund under § 19-130 of the Health - General Article for up to $300,000 to
subsidize on-call services for the Curtis National Hand Center at Union Memorial
Hospital. The Curtis National Hand Center at Union Memorial Hospital shall comply
with the reporting requirements under § 19-130(d)(6) of the Health - General Article.
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