ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 481
medication technician with reasonable skill and safety to the patients and which may
endanger the health or safety of persons under the care of the applicant or certificate
(17) Has violated the confidentiality of information or knowledge as
prescribed by law concerning any patient;
(18) Has misappropriated patient or facility property;
(19) Performs certified nursing assistant or certified medication
technician functions incompetently;
(20) Has violated any provision of this title or has aided or knowingly
permitted any person to violate any provision of this title;
(21) Submits a false statement to collect a fee;
(22) Refuses, withholds from, denies, or discriminates against an
individual with regard to the provision of professional services for which the applicant
or certificate holder is certified and qualified to render because the individual is HIV
(23) Except in an emergency life-threatening situation where it is not
feasible or practicable, fails to comply with the Centers for Disease Control's
guidelines on universal precautions;
(24) Fails to cooperate with a lawful investigation conducted by the
(25) Fails to comply with instructions and directions of the supervising
registered nurse or licensed practical nurse;
(26) After failing to renew a certificate, commits any act that would be
grounds for disciplinary action under this section;
(27) Practices as a nursing assistant or medication technician before
obtaining or renewing the certificate, including any time period when the certificate
has lapsed;
(28) Impersonates another individual:
(i) Licensed under the provisions of this title; or
(ii) Who holds a certificate issued under the provisions of this title;
(29) [Has acted in a manner inconsistent with the health or safety of a
person under the certified nursing assistant's or certified medication technician's
(30) Performs activities that exceed the education and training of the
certified nursing assistant or certified medication technician;
(31) Is expelled from the rehabilitation program established pursuant to §
8-208 of this title for failure to comply with the conditions of the program;
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