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(2) The information in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be available
on the websites of the Department of Aging and the Department of Health and Mental
(3) The Department of Aging and the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene shall disseminate through their websites, public service announcements, and
direct communications with providers, information about the toll-free telephone
number for reporting Medicare Part D problems, including problems obtaining
needed medications due to formulary and preauthorization restrictions.
(4) A local area agency on aging or its designee that receives funding
under the Program shall conduct a community outreach and education campaign that
includes the use of local media outlets to disseminate information about Medicare
Part D.
(g) (f) The Department of Aging and the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene shall collaborate in the collection of statewide data on:
(1) (1) The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shall collect
statewide data on health problems, including emergency room visits and
hospitalizations resulting from lapses or changes in medications;
(2) The Department of Aging and the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene shall collaborate in the collection of statewide data on:
(i) the resolution of issues related to the implementation of
Medicare Part D; and
(3) (ii) problems obtaining needed medications due to formulary and
preauthorization restrictions.
(h) (g) (1) The Department of Aging shall submit a request The
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in coordination with the Department of
Aging, shall apply to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services for reimbursement of allowable
expenditures under the Program.
(2) Any federal reimbursement received by the State under paragraph
(1) of this subsection shall revert to the Revenue Stabilization Fund established under
§ 7-311 of the State Finance and Procurement Article General Fund.
(i) (h) The Department of Aging and the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene shall issue an interim report on or before June 30, 2006 September 1, 2006,
and a final report on or before September 30, 2006 June 30, 2007, to the Governor
and, in accordance with § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, the General
Assembly on:
(1) the data collected under subsection (g) (f) of this section; and
(2) the federal reimbursement requested under subsection (h) (g) of this
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