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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2042   View pdf image
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Ch. 378                                    2006 LAWS OF MARYLAND (2)     Establish the procedures for disbursing grants to qualifying
community health resources; (3)     Develop a formula for disbursing grants to qualifying community
health resources; and (4)     Establish criteria and mechanisms for funding a unified data
information system. (g) In developing regulations under subsection (f)(1) of this section, the
Commission shall: (1)     Consider geographic balance; and (2)     Give priority to community health resources that: (i) In addition to normal business hours, have evening and
weekend hours of operation; (ii) Have partnered with a hospital to establish a reverse referral
program at the hospital; (iii) Reduce the use of the hospital emergency department for
nonemergency services; (iv) Assist patients in establishing a medical home with a
community health resource; (v) Coordinate and integrate the delivery of primary and specialty
care services; (vi) Promote the integration of mental and somatic health with
federally qualified health centers or other somatic care providers; (vii) Fund medication management or therapy services for
uninsured individuals up to 200% of the federal poverty level who meet medical
necessity criteria but who are ineligible for the public mental health system; (viii) Provide a clinical home for individuals who access hospital
emergency departments for mental health services, SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES, OR
BOTH; and (ix) Support the implementation of evidence-based clinical
practices. (h) Grants awarded to a community health resource under this section may be
used: (1)     To provide operational assistance to a community health resource;
and (2)     For any other purpose the Commission determines is appropriate to
assist a community health resource. - 2042 -

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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 2042   View pdf image
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