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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 1485   View pdf image
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Ch. 255
(iii) the Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities
Authority, if no State money is to be spent on a procurement contract: (iv) the Maryland Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority,
if no State money is to be spent on a procurement contract; (v) the Maryland Industrial Training Program or the Partnership
for Workforce Quality Program in the Department of Business and Economic
Development, for training services or programs for new or expanding businesses or
industries or businesses or industries in transition; (vi) the Maryland Food Center Authority, to the extent the
Authority is exempt under Title 13, Subtitle 1 of Article 41 of the Code; (vii) the Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission: 1. for services of artists for educational and cultural
television productions: or 2. when planning for or fulfilling the obligations of grants or
cooperative agreements that support the educational and cultural activities of the
Commission: (viii) public institutions of higher education, for cultural, entertainment, and intercollegiate athletic procurement contracts: (ix) the Maryland State Planning Council on Developmental
Disabilities, for services to support demonstration, pilot, and training programs: (x) the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund: (xi) the Maryland Historical Trust for: 1. surveying and evaluating architecturally, archeologically
historically, or culturally significant properties: and 2. other than as to architectural services, preparing historic
preservation planning documents and educational material: (xii) the University of Maryland, for University College Overseas
Programs, if the University adopts regulations that: 1. establish policies and procedures governing procurement
for University College Overseas Programs: and 2. promote the purposes stated in § 11-201(a) of this subtitle; (xiii) [St. Mary's College of Maryland; (xiv)] the Department of Business and Economic Development, for
negotiating and entering into private sector cooperative marketing projects that
directly enhance promotion of Maryland and the tourism industry where there will he
a private sector contribution to the project if not less than 50% of the total cost of the - 1485 -

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Session Laws, 2006
Volume 750, Page 1485   View pdf image
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