Volume 748, Page 91 View pdf image |
91 Abraham Sapcoate Richard Vaughan Richard Waye Davis Towell Christopher Breames William Marritt Christopher Warner Robert Thomson Edward Aboot Bartholemew Vacansine William Vosse Jurors upon theire Oathes they humbly Conceive That that Tract of Land Called Woodberryes harbour Lyeing att Nanjemy Conteining Three hundred Acres is worth by the yeare Sixty pounds of tobacco & Hitchinsons hope Lyeing att Nanjemy aforesaid Contening Two hundred Acres to be worth forty pounds of tobacco p Annu & Wicksall Lyeing att Chingoe muxon Conteining Two hundred Acres is worth fifty pounds of tobacco p Annu In Testimony whereof as well the Comissioners as the Jurors aforesd have hereunto sett theire hands & seales the day & Yeare above written Signe Signe John Stone (Sealed) Henry Aspenall HA (Sealed) William M Marritt (Sealed) Tho Hussy (Sealed) Abraham Sapcoate (Sealed) Christopher Warner (Sealed) Signe Richard Vaughan R (Sealed) Robert Thomson (Sealed) Richard Waye (Sealed) Edward Abbott (Sealed) Signe David no Towell (Sealed) Bartholemy de Vaconsaine (Sealed) Signe Christopher + Breames (Sealed) William Nosse (Sealed) Which being Read & heard it is the Judgement of the Court here the First day of December one thousand Six hundred Seaventy Six that the land in this Inquisition named is Escheated to his Lordshipp the Lord Propryetary forward of heire Whereas by vertue of A writt of Mandamus to us directed Henry Adams & Ignatius Causeen from the Right Hon.rble Charles Lord & Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore &c These are therefore in the name of the Right Hon.rble the Lord Proprietary to Will & Comand you that you Sumons Twelve good & lawfull men of Charles County by whom the truth of the matter may be better Knowne & Enquired of what Lands George Robinson sonne of William Robinson dyed Seized of att the time of his death to Meete att the Plantation formerly M.r Samuell Crosses on the twenty fourth day of this p.rsent month of August And for yo.r soe doeing this shall be yo.r warrant Given under our hands & Seales this Ninth day of August One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Six To the Sheriffe of Charles Henry Adams (Sealed) County Ignatius Causin (Sealed) On the Backside of the Above warrant was thus written (viz.t) August the twenty fourth one thousand six hundred seaventy Six The Pannell of the Jury Sumoned to Enquire of what lands George Robinson sonn of William Robinson dyed Seized of att the time of his death Benj.a Rozer Sheriffe Robert Robins Foreman Thomas Helgar Francis Adams John Wheeler Archbald Waughob John Butcher Tho Baker Jacob Peterson Tho Jenkins Alexander Smith Robert Castleton Zachariah Haynes An Inquisition Indented & taken att the house of Samuell Crossey late of Charles County deceased who marryed the Relict of William Robinson late of the aforesd County deceased neare the mouth of Port tobacco Creeke in the County of Charles this twenty fourth day of August in the First yeare of the Dominion of Charles Absolute Lord & Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore &c And the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy & Six Before Henry Adams & Ignatius Causin Gentlemen by Vertue of A Comission to them directed in the nature of A writt of Mandamus and to his Inquisition Annexed to Enquire of what Lands George Robinson sonn of William Robinson deceased dyed Seized of as of Fee in Charles County by the Oathes of Robert Robins John Wheeler Thomas Baker Alexander Smith Thomas Helgar Archbald Waughob Jacob Peterson Robert Castleton (Francis) |
Volume 748, Page 91 View pdf image |
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