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1675. of fourteen thousand six hundred sixty six pounds of tobacco and this depon.t further saith that he did at the same time demand of the said defend.t the said summe of fourteen thousand six hundred sixty six pounds of tobacco so ordered to be paid as aforesaid but he denyed and refused to pay the same nor hath he yet paid the same to the said Complainant or any Other by his order to this Deponents knowledge more then the summe of three & twenty hundred pounds of tobacco or thereabouts Sworne the 6.th day of May 1675 Before me Philip Calvert Attachment then issued against the said John Wright & Mary his wife dated the 8.th of May in the 44.th yeare &c r 26.th October next In Chancery in Att a Court of Chancery held att S.t Maryes the ninth Maryland day of December in the second yeare of the Dominion of Charles Absolute Lord & Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c before the Hon.ble Thomas Notley Esq.r chiefe Judge in Equity the Hon.ble Philip Calvert Esq.r Chancellor the Hon.ble W.m Calvert Esq.r Secretary the Hon.ble Baker Brooke Esq.r Survey.r Gen.ll & the Hon.ble Colonell Henry Coursey Esq.r Betweene Thomas Peighen Master of the Shipp Ruth of London plaintiffe George Fullford of London M.rchant & Edward Leach of the same M.rchant Defend.ts This cause comeing upon the seaventh day of this instant Decemb.r to be heard upon Bill & Answer (att the humble request of the plaintiffe who desired the cause might not be delayed nor his Shipp noe longer stayed) in the p.rsence of the Comp.lt & his Councell & in the p.rsence of the Defend.t Leach & his Councell (the Defend.t Fullford being absent in England) the substance of the Comp.lts Bill was That whereas by a certaine Charter party of Astraightment Indented beareing date the Twenty seaventh day of September One Thousand six hundred Seaventy five Betweene the Comp.lt of the one part & the Defend.t Fullford of the other part the Comp.lt did Grant & lett to straight the said Shipp the Ruth of London then riding att Anchor in the River of Thames London unto the said Fullford by the Month for & dureing the full tyme & Space of Eight Months to begin & be accompted from the Twenty Eighth day of September aforesaid & for & during soe long tyme & Space after the Expiracon of the said Eight Months not exceeding foure Months more as itt should please the said M.rchant his Factors or Assignes to keepe or Imploy the said Shipp att the rate & price of sixty five pds sterling p Month accompting Twenty Eight dayes to a Month from the tyme aforesaid And the said Master for himselfe his Exec.rs & Assignes did Covenant that the said Shipp should with the first faire winde & weather after the said Twenty Eighth day of Septemb.r be ready to depart & sett sayle from Graves End & from thence (the dangers of the seas & casualty excepted) sayle apply tarry & trade to (att |
Volume 748, Page 80 View pdf image |
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