Volume 748, Page 61 View pdf image |
(61) Appointm.t of the Said Henry Scarbrough Testefied by his being Party hereunto and Sealing and Deliv.ring hereof hath granted bargained Sold Aliened enfeoffed Released transferred Assigned and Set over And by these p.rsents doth grant Bargaine Sell Alien enfeoffe Release Transferre Assigne and Sett over unto the said Richard Perry All that Mannor with the Appertences Called the Resurreccon Mannor in the Province of Maryland in America And all Plantacons Mesuages howses Edefices buildings Mills and Mill howses Store howses Tobacco howses Barnes Stables Outhowses Orchards Gardens Lands Tenem.ts & Hereditam.ts whatsoever to the Said Mannour belonging or Apperteining or accepted or Reported as Part Parcell member or Appurtenances thereof and also all & Singular other Lands Tenem.ts Reall Estate and Hereditam.ts with their and every of their Appertences within the Said Province or elsewhere in America aforesaid which was or were granted or Conveyed unto or purchased by y.e Said John Bateman her Said late Father or in the Name of any other pson or psons whatsoever in trust for y.e Said John Bateman or to and for his use And also all and every the Servants Negroes and all Merchandize Stocke howsehold goods bonds bills debts dutyes Rents and all arrears thereof goods Chatles & Personall Estate whatsoever within the Said Province or else where in America aforesaid in anywise due or belonging or Apperteyning to y.e Said John Bateman and Mary his Relict or either of them and all her estate Right Title Interest Trust Equity power and Right of Redempcon Property Claime and Demand w.tsoever of in or to the Said Mannour Plantacons Messuages Lands Tenem.ts Reall Estate & Hereditam.ts or any of them or any Part or Parcell of them or of in or to all or any the Servants Negroes Marchandize Stock household goods bonds bills Debts dutyes Rents and all arrears thereof and every part thereof which shee the Said Mary Bateman her Heirs Executors Admin.rs or Assignes may cann might should or of Right might to have & enioy Challenge or Demand either as Heire to the Said John Bateman and Mary his Relict |
Volume 748, Page 61 View pdf image |
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