Volume 748, Page 452 View pdf image |
452) C C James Philips Attachm.t ag.t Deft for non Appearance ag.t John Kymballs J Regn.r Job Nutt Bill filed ag.t Attachm.t to issue ag.t Deft unless answ.r C C & Tho Tanney be filed in 15 daies W D C C John Gardener ordered y.t if service of y.e Spa be proved attachm.t ag.t shall issue ag.t y.e Deft for want of answer David Elder J Regn.r Anthony Smith Spa ag.t Sam.ll Chew W C & Rob.t Grundy ag.t Barbara Hutton Relict & Adm.r of Jos Hutton J Regn.r cont.d Gerard Slye agst Rob.t Sinclere & Priscilla his wife Idem ag.t W.m Edmondson The 4 last Causes cont.d Also all other Causes on y.e Docquet are Cont.d till y.e next Court July 10.th 1701 Recorded by John Freeman Regist.r in Chanc.ry Depositions about y.e bounds of Land for Robert Tyler P Georges County By virtue of a Comiss.n from y.e high Court of Chancery to us directed bearing date 14 day of Dec.r 1700 Comanding us thereby to call before us y.e person of Coll Ninian Beal & thereupon y.e corporall oath of y.e s.d Nin.n Beal to take such deposition as y.e said Ninian Beal shall upon such oath by us to be administred make concerning y.e Northeast bounded tree of y.e L.d Baltem.rs Mannour & also touching y.e first bounded tree of a tract of Land called Darnells Grove in Petuxant To w.ch Comiss.n y.e s.d Coll Ninian Beal did in his own proper person on y.e third day of Jan.r 1700 come before us and having his oath administred by us did (by laying one hand upon y.e tree & y.e other upon y.e holy Evangelist) on y.e same oath depose as followeth (viz.t) Then a red oak standing on y.e west side of a branch called Collington & on y.e south side of a branch y.e runs into y.e aforesaid branch called Collington is y.e Northeast corner tree of y.e L.d Balt.rs Mannor & y.e first bounded tree of a tract of land called Darnells Grove And y.e s.d Ninian Beal doth on his s.d oath farther depose That at y.e first surveying of y.e s.d Land for y.e L.d Baltem.r he y.e s.d Ninian Beal did bound y.e s.d red oak aforementioned to be y.e North east Corner tree of y.e Lord Balt.r |
Volume 748, Page 452 View pdf image |
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