Volume 748, Page 380 View pdf image |
380 Depositions touching y.e Lands of John Hatton Talbot County called Chance Talbott fs By virtue of y.e inclosed Comission to Me James Murphey and Richard Fiddeman of y.e County afores.d bearing date y.e Fourth day of June 1697 Wherein were empowered to call before us W.m Bell sen.r & John Goames of y.e aforesaid County And after Notice given to George & Taylor according to our Instruction given in s.d Comission upon y.e 11.th day of February 1697/8 y.e aforenamed W.m Bell sen.r & John Goames made their appearance before us at y.e house of John Hatton in Broad Creek And upon streight Examination of y.e s.d Parties y.e s.d W.m Bell lead us to a point of a branch of broad Creek where he shewed us a certain bounded Pine tree which was fallen down but y.e Notches plainly to be seen Then he took his Corporall Oath upon y.e Holy Evangelists y.t about 25 years ago then being upon y.e purchase of y.e s.d tract of Land called Chaunce of Arthur Emory who gave him y.e Pattend of s.d Land to see how the Lines of y.e same did run & for his better satisfaction did apply himself to y.e Eldest of y.e Neighbourhood w.ch was one Alexander Ray who shewed him y.e s.d pine y.t yo.r Deponent was sworn to Likewise y.e s.d John Goames took his corporall oath y.t he was by at y.e same time when it was laid out & after y.t y.e s.d Bell purchased y.e s.d Land & sold y.e same to Taylor Farther y.e Deponent W.m Bell sen.r said since y.t there has been a Dispute of another marked Pine more up towards y.e head of y.e s.d branch about y.e space of three hundred yards or thereabouts That there was noe such tree marked when he laid out y.e Land but did affirm y.t some certain Men bounded y.t tree in order to take up Land thereabouts & finding themselves in an errour let fall y.e same upon wch We caused a young Locust tree to be marked with twelve Notches by y.e foresaid bounded pine tree y.t was fallen down & a decaying The Exam.ns & Depos.ns done acted and performed before us for testimony whereof have set our hands & seals y.e day & year aforesaid James Murphey Rich Feddemon Recorded by John Freeman Regist.r in Chanc.ry At |
Volume 748, Page 380 View pdf image |
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