Volume 748, Page 245 View pdf image |
245 And the said John Hudson the elder by Robert Ridgely his Attorney Cometh and prayeth the hearing of the said writt and Itt is read unto him Hee also prayeth the hearing of the Returne of the Sheriffe of Dorchester County of the same writ w.ch is likewise read unto him in these words This writt made Knowne to John Hudson the Younger the Nineteenth day of January 1680 in the presence and before Thomas Hicks & John Causey both Freemen of my baliwick Stephen Gary Sher W.ch being read and by him heard and understood hee sayth that hee the said John Hudson is the John Hudson the said Sheriffe did serve the said writ on the said nineteenth day of January 1680 in the presence and before Thomas Hicks and John Causey in the said returne mentioned but saith that hee the said John Hudson on whome the scire facias aforesaid was served aforesaid is and the day of the obtaining the writ of scire facias aforesaid was John Hudson of Dorchester County the elder & not John Hudson the Younger Mentioned in the said writ of scire facias or in the Returne thereof and that hee the said John Hudson the elder wholly Disclaymes all right Title and Interest of in and to the parcell of land in the said writ of scire facias mentioned Called Johns Delight Cont.a Two hundred Acres and this hee is ready to averre and thereupon Demands Judgment of the writt of scire facias and Execucon and Returne thereof aforesaid and that the same may be Quashed Afterwards to witt the thirtyeth day of Aprill in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right Hono.ble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dom 1681 Came aswell the said Lord Prop.ry by Kenelme Cheseldyne Esq his Attorney genl as the aforesaid John Hudson by Robert Ridgely his Attorney aforesaid & hereupon the premisses being read & heard & by the Justices here fully understood Itt is Considered that the aforesaid Letters Pattent of his said Lordshipp for the aforesaid Two hundred Acres of Land (being surreptitiously obtained as appeares to y.e same Justices & in the scire facias aforesaid is sett forth) Be Vacated adnulled and made Voyd upon Record & for voyd & invalllid be had and esteemed & also that the Enrolm.t of the Record thereof be Cancelled & for voyd and invallid ever had & esteemed And that the said John Tench have a Pattent for the same to him his heirs and Assignes for ever The Lord Prop.ry Comand was given to the sheriffe of Cæcill County that ag.t whereas itt appeareth in the Records for Lands Remaining Richard Pullen in the Land Office That by Grant under the greate seale of this |
Volume 748, Page 245 View pdf image |
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