Volume 748, Page 141 View pdf image |
141 Cloths for himselfe wife & serv.t or for the paying of his owne his wifes & two serv.ts passages or that the same schedule or any Coppy or transcript thereof was either of the hands writeing of the said Def.t And denieth that he hath one Farthing of the said Averys money or goods in his hands or that he was indebted to the said Avery or his Ex.rx one farthing or the value of a Farthing And saith that the goods menconed in the schedule aforesd are most of them in the Inventory of the said Averys Estate or at Least ought to have bin as by the sd Bill & Answeare remaineing upon Record in this hon.rble Co.rt relacon being thereunto had more fully & more at large & it doth and may appeare And the said Cause standing at Issue ready for a heareing and upon reading the Comp.lts Bill & the Def.ts Answeare the Examinacons of wittnesses & all other proofes & papers touching that cause & heareing what was or or wuld be alledged by the parties or theire Councell or either side this Court was all cleerely satisfyed that the said John Avery dows in his life time ^did^ Lend to & entrust the said Benj.a Granger with severall quantities of goods & divers sumes of moneys and doth therefore thinke Fitt & soe ord.r adjudge & decree that the said Benj.a Granger doe forthwith pay unto the said John Haslewood & Ann his wife Ex.rx of th as aforesd John the sume of Twenty & foure pounds lawfull money of England together with Three Thousand Three hundred Fifty five pounds of Tobacco Costs of Suit taxed by this Court Wee doe therefore hereby strictly charge & Command you the sd Benj.a Granger at all every the paym.ts matters & things in the said Final Judgem.t or decree memoirs specified & Conteined soe farr forth as the same or any of them doe in any ways touch or [illegible] you you doe well & truely observe pforme pay fulfill & keepe to all intents & purposes according to the teno.r & true meaneing thereof And that you pay unto the Comp.lts or theire Assignes the said sume of Twenty & foure pounds of Lawfull money of England together with Three Thousand three hundred Fifty five pounds of Tobacco Costs of Suit And this you are in noe wise comitt und.r the penalty thereupon ensueing Witnes our selfe at our Citty of S.t Marys the Tenth day of December In the fourth yeare of our Dominion over our said province Annoq Dni One Thousand six hundred Seaventy Eight John Browning ag.t Ordered that the Defend.ts putt in their Answer to the Comp.lts Andrew Peterson & bill by the next Court George Oldfield Humphrey Jones The Defend.t haveing putt in his Answer to the Comp.lts bill ag.t Ordered that the Comp.lt putt in his exceptions or replicacons John Jon Coode to the Defend.ts Answer by the next Court Stephen Burle Ex.r Ordered that unlesse the Defend.t file his Answer to the Robert Burle Comp.lts bill within twenty dayes after the end of the next ag.t Gen.ll Assembly that an Attachm.t issue forth against Tho Marsh him the said Defend.t |
Volume 748, Page 141 View pdf image |
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