Volume 748, Page 132 View pdf image |
132 Noe will read to him as youre deponent knows of 2.ly To the second that which Paynter was a writeing Deery was in an Agony of death And out of his sences to the best of your deponent Judgement and expressed severall Idle foolish words dureing the said Time 3.ly To the third he Cannot depose Ordered that the Register give Coppies of all and every the Examinations before this Court taken to such persons as shall require the same And that the partyes by their petors or Agents Come to Tryall on saturday next at one of the Clocke in the Afternoone The Court Adjournes till saturday next one of the Clocke afternoone Att a Court of Delegates held at the Citty of S.tt Maryes upon the second day of November being saturday in the third year of the Dominion of the Right Hono.ble Charles &.c Anoq Domi 1678 Present Coll Baker Brookes Esq Coll Henry Coursey Esq Maj.r Benjamin Rozer Esq The same ^day^ Came John Quigley Esq Robert Ridgely his pcurator and Garrat Vansweringen By Christopher Rousby his pcurator into this Court And haveing been fully heard on both sides the Court Adjournes till Wednesday next to advise upon the premisses Att A Court of Delegates held at the Cyty of S.t Maryes ^upon^ the sixth day of November being wednesday in the third yeare of y.e dominion of the Right Hono.ble Charles &.c Anoq Domini 1678 Present Coll Baker Brookes Esq Coll Henry Coursey Esq Maj.r Benjamin Rozer Esq The same day it was orderd that Coll Henry Coursey And Maj.r Benjamin Rozer shall and are hereby appoynted and Authorized To tax such Costs as shall be to be Taxed in this Court and that the same soe by them Taxed shall be as substantially vallid as if all the Judges of this Court had signed the same Att w.ch day came before the said Court of delegates appoynted as aforesaid for reviewing rehearing and reexamining the said Cause his pcurator at the said Garrat Vansweringen By Kenelme Cheseldyne Esq his pcurator and upon full and mature Deliberacon and advisement of And upon the premisses This Court haveing fully and thorowly weighed and Considered the evidences of both sides and ^y.e^ pleadings thereupon And being all Clearly sattisfyed therein doe pronounce publish and declare their finall sentence Judgement and decree as followeth That is to say that the said John Deery did not dye Intestate but that the words by him spoken (viz) I give all that I have to my sister Ellinor Deery my Brother Owen Quigley and my Cozen John Quigley and doe make them my Execut.rs doe amount to a nuncupative will And that the said Deery was of a sound disposing mind |
Volume 748, Page 132 View pdf image |
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